Colchester Parks and Recreation Commission
November 3, 2008
Cragin Memorial Library, Room B
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Chairman S. O’Leary, J. Barr, J. Cohen, N. Kaplan, E. Kundahl, L. Dimock, S. Ashe, C. Williams
Members Absent: C. Ferrante , L. Stephenson
Others Present: First Selectman Linda Hodge, Paul Picard, Keith Kelley
1. Call to Order: Chairman O’Leary called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
2. Citizen’s Comments: None
3. Acceptance of Minutes - October 6, 2008 Meeting: E. Kundahl motioned to approve the minutes of the October 6, 2008 meeting, seconded by N. Kaplan. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Reading of Correspondence: None
5. Committee Reports:
• Facilities: None
• Finance/Administration: None
• Programs: L. Dimock reported that there are a couple people interested in donating a tree for the green. There have only been two people volunteer for the decorating committee. Bacon Academy Art Dept. is working on the design of a Christmas ornament. It is believed that the ornaments can be done in order to start selling this year. P. Picard said he has built the tree stand and it will hold up to a 20ft. tree. He was able to build most of it with materials he already had and the Lion’s Club donated the money to purchase the remaining items he needed. Chairman O’Leary extended thanks to both Mr. Picard and to the Lion’s Club.
E. Kundhal motioned to accept the Programs report as presented, seconded by J. Barr.
All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
• Skate Park: None
• BOS Liaison: In the absence of G. Cordova, First Selectman Hodge said that budget continues to be a challenge and will only get worse. There has been no change to library hours thus far.
6. Discussion and Possible Action on Dog Park Proposal: Keith Kelley spoke on behalf of the Dog Park Committee. A proposal was presented and reviewed. An estimated cost has been based on what other towns have spent and on the bare minimum needed to start the park. They would hold fund raising for the money. The old town dump is the site being recommended for the dog park. Dog Park Guidelines would be posted and would cover the need for spayed/neutered and vaccinations. Rabies vaccinations are the only one that can be truly monitored due to the rabies tags. K. Kelley said that for the most part the people that bring their dogs to a dog park are those that are responsible enough to follow the guidelines. The town would not be liable for any mishaps at the park between dogs. P.
Picard noted that in the 10 year history of Pumpkins and Pooches there has only been one instance of an aggressive dog. He also recommends a different type of fence that could reduce the cost of the proposal and allow the committee to begin the implementation that much sooner. J. Barr motioned to send to the Board of Selectmen for consideration the Dog Park Proposal as presented, seconded by E. Kundahl. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
7. Discussion and Possible Action on Concession Bid Draft: There has been and increased interest by the endorsed leagues to run the concession stand. J. Cohen asked if the leagues should be given priority and not have to use the bid process. Chairman O’Leary felt strongly that if the leagues want to be taken serious in their intention to run the concession stand they too should go through the bid process. There have been leagues that have shown interest before and then have not followed through. N. Kaplan agreed, saying that the leagues, with the exception of football, have never been able to get enough parents to volunteer to run a concession stand.
E. Kundahl motioned to approve the Concession Bid Draft changing the date the bids will be
accepted to as December 15, 2008, adding to the Other Equipment portion that prior approval from
the Park and Recreation Director will be required, and that the endorsed leagues will be formally
contacted and given the first right of refusal before the bidding is extended to outside sources,
seconded by J. Barr. All members present voted in favor with S. O’Leary opposed. MOTION
8. Discussion and Possible Action on Tree Lighting: Previously discussed during the Program Report.
9. Discussion and Possible Action on Park & Recreation Budget: First Selectman Hodge said that the commission should start giving J. Cohen a list of priorities to use as he prepares the Park and Rec budget. Chairman O’Leary said that he would like it known that the commission has received so much feedback on the upkeep of the fields. The matter will be discussed further at the December meeting.
10. Director’s Report: A copy of the report was distributed. N. Kaplan motioned to approve the Director’s Report as presented, seconded by L. Dimock. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
11. Recreation Supervisor’s Report (Quarterly): No report was given.
12. General Comments: None
13. Adjournment: E. Kundahl motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. Barr. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman O’Leary adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Dawn LePage, Clerk